Thursday 24 September 2009

Em cima do joelho - the Portuguese way...

It's nice when nations have idioms which succinctly and vividly paint such an accurate picture of what that nationality is about.

Of course in English we have "stiff upper lip" which describes well our reputation for coldness, aloofness and stoicism. The Portuguese have, "Em cima do joelho" which literally means "on top of the knee" and perfectly describes the attitude here of doing things in a last minute, rushed fashion without thinking of the consequences.

In everyday matters if often hits you, "who would put a bus stop at the corner of a busy junction?", "Why do most bars and clubs only advertise their attractions the night before", "Why is this website so beautifully designed yet never updated". And these thoughts are repeated sources of amusement - until they happen to you.

So yesterday I get a phonecall and the chap whose bar I was supposed to be playing at on Saturday rings me to tell me he was just doing the week's agenda (on Wednesday!) and he's double booked the night. I had booked it two weeks ago and been doing my best to promote it myself, even been to the place twice to meet the guy and he tells me this now.

Now obviously these things happen, they happen everywhere, and I don't blame the guy, he's really nice and friendly and was genuinely sorry, even giving me 2 dates in October to replace the one that's canceled, but as I rang round everyone I had invited the reaction of people was extremely telling - how typical!

1 comment:

  1. I sympathise with that. We have only been living back in Lisboa for the past 28 years after nine years in London (new kid in "that" town from 1973 till 1981) and I know the problem very well. Remember, they say: There are no problems only solutions! Lets work together! We want a new way for a new age (not just esoteric but real people with real good intentions, but that's not enough we must not twitter (excuse the pun) too much and get on with the job in hand. No one seems to want to do much of anything unless they call it "work", so they are well looked at by the social stratas.
    Well, what am I rabbiting on about?
    All we are saying is Give Lisbon a Chance. With all this sunshine we should fill up the reserves very fast if the Portugas knew how to do it for the benefit of all concerned.
    Still rabbiting...
    In the meantime soak up this sunshine.
    Have you considered Madeira? There we have a different breed of Nationals of Portugal not from the "Continente"! ah! mild weather all year round! Ciaozinho. Rui do lisbonlifestyle!
