Thursday 15 January 2009

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...

So today was my first day at work and my head is spinning! I've encountered so many names, faces and nationalities in such a short space of time that I don't know how I'm going to remember everyone.

When I first come up with the plan to move to Lisbon it was agreed that I wouldn't do so without some plan to further my career, I wouldn't just do the typical bar work or teaching English (at least with nothing to back it up). Luckily for me there exists in Lisbon an EU Agency in exactly my field. Unfortunately jobs come up here rarely and those that do are competed over ferociously, the wages are excellent (especially given the comparatively low average wage in Portugal) and it really is a centre of excellence in the field. I thought that the best route for me would be to apply for an internship (or 'stagier' if you're European) and in this way I can gain experience, make contacts and discover how the operation works. The internships were themselves keenly fought over and I spent months waiting for a response but after an interview I finally found that they wanted me and that I could start work in the New Year - they even had a project in mind for me, so I wouldn't just be making the coffee.

Anyway that was the background but today was my first day so I obviously had those 'first day' butterflies and I genuinely had nothing but a very vague outline as to what it was I would be doing. I'm now none the wiser but at least I know my colleagues don't bite.

The Agency is split into two offices, one in Santa Apolónia where the Directorate, the Communications and Administration departments are based and one office near Anjos metro station where the scientific departments are based. Luckily for me Anjos is perfectly within walking distance from the flat for me and so it's good exercise, if not a little dangerous to get to work. Before I came to Lisbon I had the idea to ride a bike to and from work and I've still not completely given up on the idea. It was originally ridiculed by the people here but I think my points have some validity - The traffic in rush hour moves pretty slowly and the hills are no problem (I'm not that unfit). I'm deferring the decision but already I have heard tell of a number of colleagues who cycle in so I'll have to get tips from them.

The first day (as ever) is really about orientation. There are two colleagues who are supposed to be guiding me but they're both very busy at the moment so I haven't had much of a chance to meet with them although we have arranged for a meeting next week to discuss my project in detail.

Today was spent being taken round the 4 floors of this building that the Agency occupies, I got to see my own office, which is huge...if I get the chance I will have to take a picture. It's not all mine, I share it will a pleasant Italian girl who does a job that I don't completely understand, but everyone here shares an office. I'll miss the open plan feel though, we used to have some good banter going on in Manchester.

The Agency itself is very mixed, there are people here from all over the EU and the working language is thankfully English, which everyone speaks to an excellent standard but which of course is a condition of working here. I have been told that I had better dust off my French and Spanish too as they will be very helpful in reading reports. This is slightly worrying as my French and Spanish is at a very low level by now but I'm sure I will pick things up quickly, especially if it's something I'm doing on a daily basis.

Tomorrow it is the annual staff meal in Ajuda, thoughtfully I have been included in the numbers so it will be an excellent opportunity to meet people in an informal setting and really get 'the skinny' on how this place works. It's been such an intense day though that I really feel I'm dead on my feet so more will have to wait until tomorrow.

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